Monday, January 8, 2018

Holy basil herbs for cancer treatment

Holy basil or Tulsi is an anti-cancer property, anti-inflammatory properties and contain more vitamins and mineral that is fighting for death bad cancer cells. This is a popular natural herb that the treatment of cancer cells and gives a good health, long life.

How does holy basil trigger the death of the cancer cells?

Holy basil act called an enzyme COX-2 inhibitor that prevents inflammation and decreases pain and gives relief to the cancerous body.

Laboratory and various animal studies indicated that holy basil can strangely repair damaged cells by generating oxidation and radiation and demonstrate the potential to destroy precancerous lesions and tumor cells.

Holy basil contains Phytonutrients that directly kills cancer cells and thereby is to be a low growth of the cancer mass such as reducing from cancer.

This contains cancer-fighting phytochemicals including Apigenin, Luteolin, Myrtenal, Rosmarinic acid, Carnosic acid, and beta-Sitosterol that compounds stimulate the antioxidant activity and destroys the cancer cells.

Holy basil is quality mineral as the inhibiting the increasing and progression of breast cancer by proliferation cells blocking and break angiogenesis by a process, new blood vessels within a cancer mass that is better for a good response to dead cells.

How to take holy basil for remedies?

Holy basil leaves can take with salads or soups and tea preparations or coffee and warm water and vegetable in enough amounts.

For The best response, you should per day 3-4 cups with tea for normal disease and for high sickness, you can take direct those leaves and tea or leaf juice in the maximum amount that give fast relief and a good response for cancer cells destroying

Although, according to many research published that holy basil is a natural herb for source cancer cells die and for much good healthy life.

                                                                             Indrapal kumar yadav